How Eroteme works

On the eroteme Homepage click on a question, You will then land on the page hosting the question.

Click on buy and MetaMask will pop up confirming the price to purchase plus gas fees needed to make transaction. once you click confirm after a few moments you will now be the owner of brought NFT and able to see the answer of the question plus evidence if included.

You can sell information that you feel is valuable to you in the format of writing the question for fellow users to identify what answer you plan to provide

Fill in the form with a question, answer and evidence if needed. (Evidence can be in the format of image video and audio). Put in the price you want to sell the INFT, then click Mint NFT. MetaMask will then pop up confirming the gas fees required to Mint NFT click confirm wait a few moments and your NFT will now be for sale on the Eroteme marketplace

You can send questions to a specified Ethereum Address.

This is done by entering the Ethereum address of the user you wanna send question to, enter the question you want to ask and select the amount of days they will have to answer the question. Enter the amount of ETH your offering for the answer then click send question. MetaMask will now pop up with the amount offered plus gas fees click confirm and question will be sent to Account holder

You can view and withdraw offered ETH of your sent question

Go to your account dashboard and click on the tab `search sent questions` enter the Ethereum address you sent the question to and you will now be able to view the status of the question sent. If time left is 0 and is unsold you can then withdraw back the ETH you offered if, if status of your questions is sold then you can view the answer on the my answers tab on the account dashboard

If you have received questions you can view this on your account dashboard by going to the `received questions` tab, you will then be shown questions sent your account

You then have the option to answer the question in which it will mint the answer as an NFT, automatically making the sender of the question the owner of the NFT. The ETH offered will be sent to your account once minting is complete (You will have to pay gas fees for this transaction).